Friday, October 29, 2010

Incidents entry 2

Linda’s family ties are an important theme in the book.  Linda is very, very concerned about her family which includes her grandmother, brother, uncle and children.  In particular, her son and daughter meant more to her than anything or anyone else.  They were even more important than her own freedom.   She didn’t want them to grow up as slaves.  She sometimes even wished they would die first because she didn’t want them to have to succumb to a master like hers.  “I thought to myself that, God being my helper, they should never pass into his hands.”  (Brent 81).   Her decision to flee didn’t come easily but she knew it was the only solution to saving her children and herself from a life of slavery.  She knew that if she stayed on the plantation under Dr. Flint’s ownership, her children would be locked in slavery for the rest of their lives.  “Sally, they are going to carry my children to the plantation to-morrow; and they will never sell them to any body so long as they have me in their power.  Now, would you advise me to go back?” (98).  Her children’s freedom was her goal so staying with the Flint family was no longer an option.  She made arrangements with a trustworthy friend to buy and free her children once Dr. Flint sold them.  Linda was resolute in her decision to run away.  Even though her family was treated harshly when she fled, she would not turn back.  “Give me liberty, or give me death,” was Linda’s motto (101).

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